Benefit for James and Cherry Smock

James and Cherry Smock
A benefit has been scheduled for James and Cherry Smock on October 2nd, 2016 in an effort to raise funds to assist payment of medical bills in excess of $300,000.00. A Facebook Page has been established here:

 Cherry had a massive brain aneurysm a couple of years ago is in a vegetative state in a home located in Spring Branch. They have sold their home and James lives with one of his children. Here is James in his own words: …….I woke up this morning with the haunting memories of two years ago today, when in the early morning hours of July 11, 2014, I found my wife kneeling on the floor with her head laying on the stairs. A quick ambulance ride to the nearest hospital was followed by a Life Flight helicopter ride to Memorial Hermann hospital in the Houston Medical Center where she was admitted to the Mischer Neuroscience Institute Intensive Care Unit. Cherry fought for her life with tubes in her mouth and nose and wires attached to her body, she fought to get out of that hospital bed, she fought to breath, she fought pneumonia, she fought irregularities in her heartbeat and seizures in her brain and she fought other side effects of a ruptured blood vessel in her brain. She had a hole drilled in her head to remove the blood and another hole drilled in her stomach so she could be fed. With the exception of just a few quick trips home to take care of some things, I spent day and night at her side, never knowing whether she would live or die.Nineteen long days and over three hundred thousand dollars in hospital and medical bills later, Cherry was released from the hospital and we rode a transport ambulance to Memorial City Health and Rehab with the hopes that Cherry would get better. This traumatic event changed both of our lives, neither one of us will ever be the same again, but it was obvious to me that the Good Lord was with Cherry and I for those nineteen days in intensive care, just as He had been with us for our entire life together. He remains at our side as Cherry and I spend many hours together every day in the nursing home. There is no doubt that the prayers and friendship of many good people has eased our burden over these last two years and for that I am very thankful.The number one question I am asked when I run across someone we know is “How is Cherry doing?”. I usually give the short answer of “She’s doing ok.” or “She’s about the same”. I’d like to take this opportunity to tell my friends the longer version. Cherry’s vital signs are good, her blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate are all good, but Cherry’s overall mind and body is not so good. This once vibrant, hard working, independent lady who could do most anything is fading away and now requires help for even her most basic needs. She has some limited movement in her legs, arms and hands but she moves less and less as time goes by. She is still on a peg feeding tube and doesn’t usually seem to enjoy the small amounts of solid “pleasure” food that I feed her. She still has her good days but on most days she doesn’t talk much and when she does, her thoughts are very seldom coherent. She sleeps more and more as the days pass. Some times she knows who I am and other times she has no clue. The best thing for me is that I can still coax a beautiful smile or two out of her on most days.

James is a quiet, in the background, kind of guy however his contributions are endless….he is a computer guru and has established computer systems and websites for several churches including St. Stanislaus in Anderson, TX  He has also been the photographer and computer guy for St, Mary’s in Plantersville, TX.  He has photographed many events in the Polish community.  All of this without ever charging a dime.
Go here to see his photography skills and maybe even see a picture of yourself!  JP Smock Photography
We are asking for your consideration in assisting us in advertising this benefit for this fine gentleman and his wife. Thank you for your consideration and may God bless you!
Brian Marshall (Marszalek)